Saturday, February 22, 2020

Traveling is a mix of both academia & athletics, in the sense that one must:
a) study thoroughly
b) be prepared to learn new things, and
c) be physically ready to explore uncharted territories.

But most importantly, when abroad in the world – you really gotta lean into it!

And what do i see when i lean into the future? I see the promised land of .....Fomrosa!!!

*** Rest assured, i have seriously considered the corona-virus and am prepared. After communicating with contacts directly in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, i am confident that optimal health and a boosted immune system is the main key for safe travel. Furthermore, consider this statistic: last year in America the common flu killed 80,000 people***

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pentultimate Preperations

With two weeks left before i jetset to Taipei and begin the greatest journey ever designed from travel-logs to-date.... there's a mere few items left to prepare.

(the breakdown of necessities)

Meanwhile, all my gear is tediously collected.

The single carry-on bag is physically packed.

My plans are ritualistically reviewed and revised (a 13-page travel document is available for any who wish to geek-out on the details of my plans)

My mind is mentally psyched for the expected and unexpected!

There is mild hesitation due to the viral frenzy. But based on what i'm hearing directly from people in Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan – i am not wavering in my ambitions to set out overseas!

The sulfur hot-springs of Taipei are calling.
The Korean kimchi is beckoning!
And the ambiance of Osaka cherry blossoms fills my nighttime dreams....

What can i say, my mind only wants "nothing but jet"....